(The image: The courtesy of Stefan Keller, KELLEPICS, from Pixabay)
If one finds that innocent humans and humane faces are turning evils,
In the event that today’s scientific knowledge is making the life of humans and humane faces dull and mechanical,
If one watches that Nature is losing Her charm,
As long as one understands that ‘human’, the best creation of Nature, is nowhere near the term,
Assuming one experiences that the Universal Music is falling into chaos,
If one observes that the garment of virtue is getting defaced and destroyed,
In the event that one discovers that today’s civilization is suffocating humanity,
If one realizes that tempests trample flowers, never the seed,

(The image: The courtesy of Nennieinszweidrei from Pixabay)

(The image: The courtesy of Marketa Klimesova from Pixabay)
If humans and humane faces apprehend that bullying, ragging, acid-throwing or molesting is worse than carnage,

(The image: The courtesy of Moondance,
Elf-Moondance, from Pixabay)
As long as one becomes conscious of the fact that adulteration is worse than a genocidal massacre,
If one does not forget to register that producing plastic products is hurting Mother Nature,
As long as one spots and stumbles over lingual, gender, social, racial, class, etc. discrimination,
If one encounters gender, class, educational, structural, racial, social, economic, regional, global, sectarian, etc. inequality,
As long as one unearths that the many are consumed or driven by pure greed and selfishness,
Assuming the use-and-throw attitude of people upsets one, yet dampens not one’s spirits,

As long as one disinters that pure selfishness is the root cause of very many evils,
If one sees that a few hours’ thirst or a few days’ hunger removes the difference between the haves and the have-nots,
As long as one pinpoints that people overlook the faults of their dear ones,
If one realizes that the same people condemn others for the same faults,
As long as one learns that corruption or corrupted creatures threaten the very fabric of society,
If one wishes to be a victim of a lion or a tiger before making a cow or a lamb one’s own victim (It is billions of times better.),
If one wills to fight against a czar before making a noble soul one’s own victim,
As long as one reasons that a disposed case may not mean justice,
If one feels that justice denied or delayed is injustice inflicted,

As long as one espies that one’s tongue, the only one, is accompanied and guarded by three wonderful couples,
If the perfect couples, two ears, two eyes and two nostrils, teach one the value of silence,
If one further discovers that one’s tongue is also defended by a pair of soft lips and one hard wall of teeth, symbolling great truths,

As long as one thinks that Voice is quiet, but noise is deafening,
If one finds out that people dream or crave alike, whether they sleep on hard bare ground or on a soft silken bed,
As long as one’s findings lead one to the understanding that all are equal,
If one perceives that popularity, office and Mammon are, more often than not, the executioners of Nature and Life,
As long as one understands humans and humane faces are losing their in-born innocence,

(The image: The courtesy of Sasin Tipchai, sasint, from Pixabay)
Learning from avifauna

(The image: The courtesy of Andre_ Rau from Pixabay)
If one is ready to learn from Birds:
Opening out their wings,
Having confidence in themselves before taking off,
Achieving success even after many failures,
Flying and flocking together,
Picking up strength from one another,
Searching for sustenance together,
Concentrating for long periods before the honour,
Having only what is essential,

(The image: The courtesy of Kandhal Keshvala from Pixabay)
Showering their soulmates with lifetimes’ love,
Uncovering the importance of togetherness,
Flocking or chirping,
Singing and showing their true nature,

(The image: The courtesy of Screamenteagle from Pixabay)
Being good partners and parents,
Going out even in adverse weather,
Fetching food for their young ones,
Showing the worth of little things,
Picking up small things,
Creating their artistic, enchanting and comfortable houses and turning them into beautiful homes,
Enjoying the same routine wholeheartedly,
Spreading music and cheerfulness,
Making an appearance early and frequently,
Fitting with the seasons,
Blending with the flow,
Allowing their colours to glow,
Returning home in time.
If one has a dream to sing freely like birds,
If one understands humans and humane faces,

(The image: The courtesy of Agata, dandelion_tea, from Pixabay)
Learning from florets or flowers

(The image: The courtesy of Larisa Koshkina, Larisa-K, from Pixabay)
If one is ready to learn from flowers:
Beginning their life with the soft opening of their petals,
Signalling the coming of fruit or fragrance,
Enjoying their energy and newness,
Seeking artistry and beauty,

(The image: The courtesy of Vesna Italy, GracefulRealm, from Pixabay)
Inspiring confidence and hope,
Surviving weather adversity,
Welcoming both favourable and unfavourable circumstances with tender feelings,
Some blossoming in the dark, once in ages,
Blooming unnoticed,
Unfurling, in the pitch-black darkness, joy and beauty only a willing soul can behold,
Some saluting the sun all day,

(The image: The courtesy of jvalley678 from Pixabay)
Spreading freshness, fragrance, tenderness, cheerfulness and beauty,
Some taking birth in filthy or prickly conditions,
Rising above impurity,

(The image: The courtesy of Bob Williams, Coltsfan, from Pixabay)
Outspreading grace and purity,
Giving everything beautiful selflessly to others,
Keeping everything painful to themselves,
Softening hearts with their splendour,
Enjoying in the light of their glory,
Being natural with their appearance and warmth,
Living patiently, fully and smilingly their ephemeral life.
Even the end of a flower or a floret
Gives birth to a piece of fruit
Which bears seeds with invisible roots,
Capable of bringing forth new and lively plants.
As long as one grasps that every single rose is born after crossing many thorns,
If one recognizes that even the king of flowers wears the crown of thorns,
As long as one has a dream to bloom and blossom joyfully like flowers,
If one understands humans and humane faces,

(The image: The courtesy of HeungSoon from Pixabay)
Pleading by conscience
As long as one fathoms out that a pure heart is the treasure par excellence,
If one’s inner voice inspires one to do one’s humane bit for the sake of all the humans and humane faces,
As long as one’s inspiration to do something humane is persistent, clear and loud,
The one is eternally beautiful and youthful.
The one is most welcome to ‘shekharakshar.com’.
Thinking about the blog:
Opening Statement
Humans, for one reason or the other, have said goodbye to a virtuous life.
Between the Lines
There is a yearning to find peace and happiness.
The End of the Line
There is a need for introspection and action.
Do you, upon sincere self-analysis, really find yourself pure at heart?
humane faces: compassionate persons; humanoids
term: word
Universal Music: the music of conscience (It also includes ‘universal music’ which means ‘domestic, political, racial, linguistic, social, etc. harmony’; ”the harmony of the spheres/heavenly bodies; ‘the harmony of our energies’.)
falling into chaos: getting into a state of confusion or disorder
suffocating: killing, choking
apprehends: understands
carnage: the violent killing of a large number of people
adulteration: the act of making food or drink less pure by adding another substance to it, contaminate
genocidal: involving the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation, etc.
massacre: the killing of a large number of people in a cruel way
to register: to notice
spots: sees or notices
stumbles over: (here) suffers from
discrimination: unfair treatment
encounters: faces
unearths: finds or discovers something by chance or after searching for it
the many: most people
consumed: (here) destroyed
driven: (here) provoked
disinters: finds something that has been hidden or lost for a long time
pure selfishness: the selfishness at the cost of Nature and others
very many: a great many, countless
the haves: people who have enough money and possessions
the have-nots: people who do not have money and possessions
inflicted: enforced, imposed
Voice: inner voice, the voice of conscience
noise: words, talks, discussion, dialogue, speech, etc. without the consent of conscience
deafening: very loud, making one mad, angry, etc.
(to) dream: (to) have dreams or visions (or desires or aspirations)
(to) crave: (to) to ask for something seriously, (to) have a very strong desire for something
alike: in a very similar way
perceives: understands, notices or becomes aware of something
office: an important position of authority
Mammon: money and wealth when it has become the most important thing in somebody’s life and as important as a god
executioners: killers
avifauna: the birdlife found in a region
sustenance: the food and drink, needed to live and stay healthy
the honour: the reward, (here) their staple food
soulmates: life partners
enchanting: charming
fitting: going
blending: going
glow: shine
to sing freely like birds: to live your life, following the voice of your conscience
florets: small flowers
ages: a very long time
the pitch-black darkness: complete darkness
a willing soul: one who is able to go into the hidden aspects of life
unfurling: spreading
behold: see
saluting: bowing to/before, admiring, having respect for
filthy: very dirty and unpleasant
prickly: covered with prickles, thorny, difficult to deal with
everything painful: mud, thorns, etc.
splendour: grand and impressive beauty
evanescent: momentary, disappearing quickly from sight or memory
pleading: an act of asking for something which one wants or needs very much, in an emotional (here, in a moral or spiritual) way
conscience: inner voice, morals, ethics
fathoms out: discovers
par excellence: better or more than all others or everything of the same kind
persistent: never-ending
NB Nature, Universal Music, Life and Voice have life force.

(The image: The courtesy of Annette, anncapictures, from Pixabay)