Life and Esoteric Science

A Letter to the Youth of Mother Earth

The letter is a beautiful symbol of love and thoughtfulness

(The image: The courtesy of autumnsgoddess0 ftrom Pixabay)

A Letter to the Youth of Mother Earth


Dear Daughters and Sons

May Mother Earth bless you with the truth, physical and inner strength and bliss!


You, the youth of Mother Earth, are the future flag-bearers of humanity for the victims of ills and evils of the modern society. Society, the human society, equally belongs to one and all. You have your duties towards and your rights to it, for rights go pari passu with duties. If you claim your rights, the onus, at the same time, is on you to maintain the dignity of your rights and this is possible only when you have personal integrity and when you carry out your duties sincerely.

The message (The image: The courtesy of Gordon Johnson, GDJ, from Pixabay)


There are certain things which can uplift the youth of Mother Earth to a respectable position on earth:

  • Outline and determine yourself your significance and excellence.
  • Always do things carefully and positively.
  • Never mind what the world says if you have a clear conscience.
  • Always be hopeful about the outcome of your honest life.
  • Make yourself physically, mentally, morally and economically strong enough to defeat, once and for all, the evil designs of amoral, immoral and selfish people working against your roots and your countries.
Always be hopeful.
Always be hopeful. (The image: The courtesy of Marta Kulesza, HeteroSapiens, from Pixabay)



Selfless creatures
Selfless creatures

(The image: The courtesy of Christian B., Pixel-Sepp, from Pixabay)



Selfless creatures
Harmless creatures

(The image: The courtesy of Jurgen_Bierlein from Pixabay)



The treasure (The image: The courtesy of Alexa, Alexas Fotos, from Pixabay)
The treasure
The treasure (The image: The courtesy of Alexa, Alexas Photos, from Pixabay)

Human life is the treasure trove of infinite powers of the body and the mind which you ought to, should and must attain, following a disciplined life. Only then can you have and be the grace and glory of humanity.


Every second teaches you if you are a rational soul; every happening inspires you if you are a living entity; every feel of Nature lifts you up if you are a willing person; every obstacle makes you stronger if you are the epitome of endurance.

Don't be afraid
Never be afraid (The image: The courtesy of ShonEjai from Pixabay)
Being important to being urgent (The image: The courtesy of Kishan Ghaley, ksheongg03, from Pixabay)
Your tomorrows
Your tomorrows (The image: The courtesy of Oberholster Venita, ArtsyBee, from Pixabay)


Presuming that a wholesome meal is your appetizer as well as your mignardise,

If a clear aim in life makes you devoted,

In the event that happiness makes you hum or sing,

As long as an inspiring company makes you do wonders,

You have the substance to be Nature’s favourite.


Make it possible with all your might and you are the worthy daughters and sons of Mother Earth.


Yours forever



The youth of Mother Earth have been addressed in the letter.
Mother Earth affectionately watches the actions of Nature’s favourites.

(The image: The courtesy of 51581 from Pixabay)


Thinking about the blog:

Opening Statement

The youth are blessed with natural energy, creativity and confidence.

Between the Lines

The youth are to find and use their hidden qualities and powers.

The End of the Line

Mother Nature bestows Her choicest gifts on disciplined youths.



Have you ever realized anything of the hidden powers you possess?



go pari passu: go together

the onus: the responsibility for something

integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles

conscience: the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong

treasure trove: hidden valuable things, qualities, etc.

the grace: the quality of behaviour that deserves respect

wholesome: good for your health

the epitome of: a perfect example of

mignardise: a bite-sized dessert which is served at the end of a meal

the substance: the most imortant part

In the lap of Mother Earth
Living as closer to Nature as possible makes us worthy children of Mother Earth.

(The image: The courtesy of Dorothe, Darkmoon_Art, from Pixabay)


NB Some words have figurative meanings.


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