Life and Esoteric Science

A Clear Difference

A Clear Difference

A clear difference
Ink, pen and paper have made all the difference to life and things.

(The image: The courtesy of Bruno, Bru-nO, from Pixabay)



The wise think themselves a dunce.

The foolish consider themselves a sage or wise.

There is a clear difference

Between people and life.


The innocent trust in continuance.

The guilty believe in the existence of chance.

There is an extreme imbalance

Between innocence and wrongfulness.


The selfless follow ethereal glow.

The selfish swallow material flow.

There is a clear difference

Between self-effacing life and egocentric existence.



A clear difference
Nature gives her best to all without being judgemental.

(The image: The courtesy of lumi2004 from Pixabay)

Nature’s gifts do not differentiate

Between the good and the bad.

There is a wide variance

Between righteousness and foulness.


Virtue gives them life (eternity).

Vice gives them life (death sentence).

There is a clear difference

Between eternity and ignominy.


Austere people glorify humanity.

Exhibitionists ruin humanity.

There is a genetic divergence

Between simplicity and vanity.


Honest statespersons uplift humanity.

Dishonest politicians eat up humanity.

There is a clear difference

Between   honesty and dishonesty.


The good, often, do not claim their rights.

The bad, most of the times, encroach upon the rights of others.

There is a crystal- clear difference

Between an open heart and a clandestine plot.

A clear difference
A humane living allows the creatures of Nature their due.  (The image: The courtesy of Pete Linforth, TheDigitalArtist,  from Pixabay)

Agriculture, labour or green industry develops humane economy.

Fashion, stock-market, bet, gambling, speculation or crypto mining results in ruinous living.

There is a clear difference

Between a humane and a ruinous living.


Unity with nature brings a tranquil treasure.

Artificiality brings forth tempestuous rupture.

There is a huge dissimilarity

Between tranquillity and anxiety.


 Opulence and penury are as one-sided

As dogmatic assertion and absolute negation.

There is a clear difference

Between opulence and penury.


The light of the soul guides them forth.

The sellers of the spirit pull them down.

There is a big gap

Between conscience and cronyism.


The ever-lasting peace on earth may not be a far-fetched dream

If they are ever willing to bid their drawbacks adieu.

For there is a clear difference

Between ever-lasting peace and recurring weaknesses.


A clear difference
Today, an everlasting peace on our dear Mother Earth seems to be as clear as the sun in a cloudy sky. All the earthlings have a divine duty to fulfil the possible dream.

 (The image: The courtesy of Andrzej, nextvoyage, from Pixabay)






















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