Life and Esoteric Science

The Tree



The tree
Welcome to the world of trees

(The image: The courtesy of Dawn, D T C U, from Pixabay)


The tree

Is symbolic of the free.

She brings us the key

To comely beauty.

The tree
Symbolic of the free

(The image: The courtesy of Alain Audet, AlainAudet, from Pixabay)



The beauty of the tree
The tree beautifies everything and gives peace and rest to the mind.

(The image: The courtesy of lisa runnels, Greyerbaby, from Pixabay)


The autumn tree gives us a decent chance

To sit back and let our ideas dance

To the particular manner 

Her leaves change their colour.

a chance to sit back
An extraordinary chance to sit back and reflect

(The image: The courtesy of Murilo Silva, msilvapr, from Pixabay)



The autumn tree
The manner and order the leaves change their colour: The same thing happens with humans and other creatures.

(The image: The courtesy of StockSnap from Pixabay)



The winter tree is duty bound.

When the tree’s leaves are departed,

She lets the sun to liven up the land.

And the evergreen tree lessens the surge of the wind.

The winter tree
The tree without leaves livens up the land, the evergreen tree lessens the surge of the wind.

(The image: The courtesy of Almeida, aalmeidah, from Pixabay)




The winter tree
The winter tree and life

(The image: The courtesy of Gen Matic, GenMatic, from Pixabay)


Her refreshing and life-giving energy

Is in plenty.

Her spring leaves 

Spread bliss.

The spring tree
The spring bliss

(The image: The courtesy of Peter Schmidt, Terranaut, from Pixabay)



The summer tree

Is home to wildlife variety,

Sheltering them from heat and fearsome adversary

And giving cool comfort to human being.

The summer tree
The summer bliss

(The image: The courtesy of Mercier Zeng, mercierzeng, from Pixabay)


The monsoon tree brings joy, saves rainwater

And conserves energy.

She prevents pollution

And saves us from radiation.

The monsoon tree
Full of virtues: Controlling water cycle, halting floods, softening air temperature, sustaining biodiversity, …

(The image; The courtesy of heartnotes from Pixabay)


The monsoon tree
Even a cloudy sky is enough to bring joy!

(The image: The courtesy of Nanne Tiggelman, ArtSpark, from Pixabay)



Buds opening tenderly,

Flowers blossoming aesthetically,

 The tree bearing fruit(s)  

Is no less beautiful than the sky with the star(s).

The tree and the fruit
Her night sky

(The image: The courtesy of Smim Bipi, Smimbipi, from Pixabay)


The fruit is the answer

To the tree’s long labour.

If she is not properly looked after,

Her children shall grievously suffer.

The children of a tree
Will her children always be happy and healthy? She helps in protecting the environment and maintaining a resourceful ecosystem. Is it not our blissful duty to protect her, and, indirectly, us?

(The image: The courtesy of Mohan Nannapaneni, MOHANN, from Pixabay)



Giving cover, cool, shelter and breathing space,

Forming and feeding life,

Sharing almost half of the human genome,

The tree is an inseparable part of our tribe.

Cool, calm and shelter
The tree gives us cover, calm, cool and shelter, fulfilling the duties of parents

(The image: The courtesy of Tide He, T_Tide, from Pixabay)


The tree is a one-stop solution

To your difficult situation,

An all-in-one investment,

Saving one and all from ecological debt.

The tree is money
The tree is the real wealth for all times and generations to come.

(The image: The courtesy of kalhh from Pixabay)



The tree is our twenty-eight-figure basic salary,

The perquisites are absolutely staggering,

With regular bonus and tax-free earnings

The salary-cum-pension is also regular and unending.

The tree
The all-in-one investment

(The image: The courtesy of Nopadol Thongmee, Alisakonell, from Pixabay)


The tree’s role in selfless meditation

Has overshadowed every limitation,

Leading to self-realization

And cosmic enlightenment.

The tree and meditation
The tree and cosmic realization

(The image: The courtesy of Sonali, Jhollu, from Pixabay)


The most intelligent member of the tribe

Is trying hard to do away with the tree,

Thinking life can thrive

Without her and the greenness of the tribe.

Life without the tree cannot survive.
Life with or without the tree: The choice is yours.

(The image: The courtesy of Sait Toksoz, saittoksoz, from Pixabay)


The tree is an all-embracing and all-encompassing world.

It is the beauty unmatched and curled.

It is the wisdom untold,

Ever giving the glimpses of the reality undisclosed.

Wisdom untold
The wisdom untold

(The image: The courtesy of Chil Vera, CharlVera)


She is our reverend ancestor,

The symbol of synergy, support and supple strength.

She is our great teacher,

The harbinger of balance, harmony, justice and wisdom.

The teacher
Our reverend ancestor and wise teacher

(The image: The courtesy of Debrajean from Pixabay)


It is our pious duty

To inculcate unconditionally her wisdom and beauty.

It is our holy responsibility

To protect her whole-heartedly.

The tree
Full of wisdom and beauty

(The image: The courtesy of Anh Le Khac, anhkhac, from Pixabay)


The tree’s beauty may be hidden.

Gnarled, twisted, distorted and knotted,

Her beauty may remain unspotted.

She with a beautiful heart can always be spotted.

The tree knots
And the heart is what matters most.

(The image: The courtesy of bw k, spaulkim365, from Pixabay)


The gnarled tree
The beauty of a twisted tree branch

(The image: The courtesy of wal_172619 from Pixabay)


A treeless address

Is a lifeless frame.

A treeless home

Is a lifeless dome.


Even the flowerpots

Mull over the loss.

They too fondly remember

The bygone green culture.

A treeless address
A treeless address: A lifeless dome

(The image: The courtesy of BUI VAN HONG PHUC, MARTINOPHUC, from Pixabay)


Man’s exploits force the tree to migrate

To more different, colder or higher regions to survive.

The hour may not be far away

When regretting cannot save the day. 


The silent migration of the tree

Is the direct fall out of global warming.

It may cause havoc without warning,

Shattering the balance between life and the tree. 

Tree migration
The silent migration of the tree: The fall out of global warming

(The image: The courtesy of Dirk Rabe, rabedirkwennigsen, from Pixabay)


The tree’s presence is a bliss.

Her fluttering locks of leaves and flowers

Are joy spreading showers.

Her very touch is a holy kiss.

holy touch
Holy touch

(The image: The courtesy of Rob Downer, robdwildlifephotography, from Pixabay)



When the tree is there,

Everything is fair,

Whether it is a hut, cottage, house, office or lair.

Without her, everything or everyone may be a cipher.

The tree
The bliss

(The image: The courtesy of Nanne Tiggelman, ArtSpark, from Pixabay)


No man-made abode looks pretty

Without trees.

No human dwelling is praiseworthy

Without trees.


Three sixty-five days,

Three sixty-five trees

A person needs

To live in perpetual peace.

perpetual peace

How close to or how far from perpetual peace?

(The image: The courtesy of Vicki Hamilton, flutie8211, from Pixabay)



Her beauty may be a complex feature,

Making it subjective in nature.

Her beauty also has its lively aspects in factual imagination,

Bringing forth thoughtful consideration.

Trees and cottage
Factual imagination

(The image: The courtesy of Nanne Tiggelman,  ArtSpark, from Pixabay)


Factual imagination
Factual imagination: Thoughtful consideration

(The image: The courtesy of Nanne Tiggelman, ArtSpark, from Pixabay)


You could say the shadow of a tree

May be a marvellous painting.

It brings forth the sea

Of imagination and praising.

The tree's shadow
Is it a painting or the shadow of a tree?

(The image: The courtesy of Joe, jplenio, from Pixabay)


Even the roots have their attraction,

Stopping soil abrasion,

Causing water absorption 

 And supplying nutrition.

The tree roots
Roots perform matchless duties.

(The image: The courtesy of Enrique, ELG21, from Pixabay)


The tree counters climate change.

She monitors the air.

Her exhaled nectar lets us breathe.

Her inhaled poison lets life survive.


She gives us solace.

She nurtures life,

Giving space and pace

To life.

The power of the tree
The tree makes people relish life outside.

(The image: The courtesy of NoName_13 from Pixabay)


She gives us natural food,

Far superior to junk food.

Her healing bower

Gives us enormous power.

Natural food
Natural food

(The image: The courtesy of summerestock from Pixabay)


The bower
Have you ever felt the healing power of a bower?

(The image: The courtesy of ekklesiadefe from Pixabay)


The food like mango and apple

Makes melancholy tremble,

Bringing routine at beautifully normal,

Unifying the forces and virtues of human and animal.


The mango tree offers the king of fruits,

Replete with macronutrients antioxidants and metallic compounds.

The king’s court is adorned with beautiful gems

And mesmerizing pearls.


There are anti-cancer envoys and anti-diabetic negotiators.

On hand are heart-strengthening forces and anti-fat players.

Attending are anti-ageing representatives and anti-inflammatory emissaries.

Close at hand are many life enhancing dignitaries. 

The mango tree
The king of fruits

(The image: The courtesy of moghulm from Pixabay)



She provides a welcome habitat

To our forest neighbours

Who have been on earth

Long before human birth.

Welcome habitat
A welcome habitat

(The image: The courtesy of Jill Wellington, JillWellington, from Pixabay)


For VIPs,

She may be a showpiece.

For an Un ordained person,

She becomes a comforting junction and solution.

The comforting junction
The comforting junction and solution

(The image: The courtesy of Dean Moriarty, terimakasih0, from Pixabay)


A book read amidst the tree and her forms

Keeps us closer to life’s norms

Than is possible with pseudo-norms.

The tree tends to keep us from artificial domes.

the book
With the tree’s blessings

(The image: The courtesy of Yesilelma from Pixabay)


The tree gives life

To the haves and the have-nots alike.

It is on our emotional intelligence

To remove the difference sans violence.

The haves
The haves enjoy a colourful life.

(The image: The courtesy of Gordon Johnson, GDJ, from Pixabay)


The have nots
The have nots lead a black and white life.

(The image: The courtesy of Anil sharma, Anilsharma26, from Pixabay)

The have nots
The have nots

(The image: The courtesy of Anil sharma, Anilsharma26, from Pixabay)



She brings strangers and divers people together

Which makes human creativity superior.

In accordance with the laws of Nature,

She brings us a vast treasure.

Grean treasure
The treasure: A pollution free life with many a surprise

(The image: The courtesy of NickyPe from Pixabay)


The tree keeps a community quite alive and healthy.

She is the traditional centre of teaching, preaching and storytelling.

She is the force and attraction where children love playing.

Her presence enlivens a debate, discussion, discourse or tete -a- tete. 

The tree
The tree: The traditional center of community activities

(The image: The courtesy of Gordon Johnson, GDJ, from Pixabay)


The tree provides relaxation,

Offering refreshment,

Creating recreation,

Giving peace and seclusion.


The tree represents solace.
A great comfort to cherish

(The image: The courtesy of Alain Audet, AlainAudet, from Pixabay)


In the world of the rat race

And dog-eat-dog passion,

She keeps us from violence

And brings us contentment and satisfaction.

The human reverend ancestor
The tree and her gifts: The bench, the flowers, the books, the fruit, the clay…

(The image: The courtesy of congerdesign from Pixabay)



She is the hidden saviour

Of every living creature.

She is the healer

Of every misfired endeavour.

The tree and its boon
Tree, the Saviour: Fish are released, birds are freed, people are delivered from the guilt…

(The image: The courtesy of Dean Moriarty, terimakasih0, from Pixabay)


She is a true friend and guide

Who shows the path to life.

She is a matchless preacher

Who teaches us at our leisure.


You may say it is the teacher

Teaching her pupils.

But it is the tree, our preacher,

Who is teaching the pupils and their teacher.

A preacher
Is it the teacher teaching her pupils or the tree teaching the teacher and her pupils?

(The image: The courtesy of Sasin Tipchai, sasint, from Pixabay)


The teacher
Our great teacher is still here: Kindly do study her.

(The image: The courtesy of Amy Art-Dreams, Art_Dreams, from Pixabay)


The tree is the master doctor.

She is the nature’s protector.

She is the guide to many a creator,

Whether an inventor, discoverer, versifier, author or painter.

The tree
A multi-faceted personality

(The image: The courtesy of beziehungsweise_KL from Pixabay)


Woman grove
A portrait for a versifier and a painter

(The image: The courtesy of friday2022 from Pixabay)



The five elements we are made from

Survive because of the tree or her forms.

The ideal goal of comely calm

Is unthinkable without her or her forms.

The tree and the five basic elements
The tree and the five basic elements: Eather, air, fire, water and soil

(The image: The courtesy of biancamentil from Pixabay)


She gives us protection and timber

And beautifies space and even Mother Nature.

She teaches unburdened.

She is an invincible living-legend.


The teacher
The living legend

(The image: The courtesy of Izabella Jasper, IzabellArt, from Pixabay)


The tree and human

Are bound friends.

Their birth and life’s journey

Have surprisingly common strands.

The bound friends
The bound friends

(The image: The courtesy of Uthpal Acharjee, Uthpal, from Pixabay)


The tree surfaced

Ages before human arrival.

Human has faced

The twists and turns, mirroring the tree’s survival.

The tree and Man
The tree and human: The same journey

(The image: The courtesy of Shawn Suttlle, SuttleMedia, from Pixabay)


Human has every duty

To adore the great ancestor.

The tree has every beauty

Human can go after.

The beauty human ought to adore
The beauty human ought to respect

(The image: The courtesy of Shayea_Kim from Pixabay)


She bends whenever she is fruit laden.

She grows stronger at the turn of each season.

The elder, through their roots, give life and energy to their younger generations.

Humility, suppleness, patience and wisdom are the great lessons.


She always justifies her birth,

But human does it rarely.

She always lives for others,

But human does it rarely.

The great lessons
The great lessons (The image: The courtesy of Bruno, Bru-nO, from Pixabay)





Saving the tree

Is our duty and the only choice

If we wish to save life

And give our children their natural voice.

Save trees
Humble prayer

(The image: The courtesy of Arnie Bragg from Pixabay)



May the tree bless us all!
May the tree bless us all!

(The image: The courtesy of TaeYonk Park, teruahpark, from Pixabay)




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