Life and Esoteric Science


Dog eat dog
In a dog-eat-dog society, nothing is clear.

(The image: The courtesy of Gerd Altmann, geralt, from Pixabay)





It is dog eat dog.

Sounds strange or rough?

It is a dog-eat-dog world.

Still sounds screwy or weird?


Want to interpret

The sense of the statements?

Purity and grit

Are the requirements.

Dog eat dog
The purity of the heart and the mind results in good health.

(The image: The courtesy of Oberholster Venita, ArtsyBee, from Pixabay)


The body calls for rebuilding

With every solar day passing.

Answering the call of nature,

Cleaning and shaping

The frame and figure.


Dog eat dog
Daily workout keeps your frame in shape.

(The image: The courtesy of Gordon Johnson, GDJ, from Pixabay)


The home calls for cleansing

At the lark’s song every morning.

The office calls for washing or moping

Before its every spell of functioning.


They are more than willing

To bear the billing.

Are they equally willing

To purify the mind of its dust settling?

Are they equally willing

To purge the heart of its bad feeling(s)?

Dog eat dog
You need to reset your mind every morning to clean its dust settling and the heart’s negative feelings.

  (The image: The courtesy of John Hain, johnhain, from Pixabay)


The mind calls for its detoxing

Every morning.

The heart calls for its cleansing

Every morning.


For, without a pure heart,

It is a serious fraud.

For, without a pure mind,

It is a shroud.

Dog eat dog
Detox your mind and cleanse your heart every day to keep yourself truthful to your present.

(The image: The courtesy of John Hain, johnhain, from Pixabay)


A coward, sans foresight,

Or a deceitful heart, sans insight,

Can gratify their desire(s)

In the dog-eat-dog lair.


In the silly game,

They befool you and you befool them.

Some people still away from the dangerous game

Might get closer to them.


Dog eat dog
Numerous innocents are trapped by the blindfolded injustice.

 (The image, blindfolded injustice: The courtesy of OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay) 


They flow in the glow of luxuries

At the cost of innocent fellow-beings.

Even the most popular persons become

A part of the game.


They have the mind

To be money-minting-man-machines.

They have not the mind

To remove corrupt practices.

Dog eat dog
A balanced life beautifies the world.

(The image: The courtesy of Jogn Hain, johnhain, from Pixabay)


They have the will

To be VIPs.

They have not the will

To put people at their ease.


They have dream houses,

Yet no home.

They lead paradoxical blushes,

In their dog-eat-dog dome.

Dog eat dog
People, in general, suffer from paradoxical blushes.

(The image, paradox: The courtesy of John hain, johnhain, from Pixabay)




A nature loving soul

Is always admirable.

A thoughtful soul 

Is always humble.

Dog eat dog
The soul who loves Nature, her creations and her creatures, is, one day, able to fathom the depth of life.

(The image: The courtesy of Daniel R, Mindworld, from Pixabay)


A holy soul sees

The light from the ethereal blue.

A loving soul breezes

In sans adieu.


A selfless soul

Is as rare as an ethereal goal

That always charms

With its peace and calm.

Dog eat dog
A saintly soul sees the light from the ethereal blue.

(The image: The courtesy of Jorg Kemph, emolago, from Pixabay)


You are wonderfully unique.

You can stop it being 

Dog eat dog.

You are pure musique.

You can seek and forespeak

Cosmic mystique.

Dog eat dog
Trees, their fruits and cosmic mysteries have so many things to tell you.

(The image: The courtesy of Laz Georgoulas, lazarosv, from Pixabay)











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